The Tritone and Beyond


In this volume you will learn to harmonize on tones,

that are not part of the major scale.

The bII, bIII, bV (Tritone) and the #V!!

The most beautiful passing chord transitions and harmonies occur, when you start playing chords that are OUTSIDE of the SCALE.

If for example, you are in the key of Db:

We show you how to play a D chord, an E chord, a G Chord or an A chord.... even though those tones are not part of the Db scale.

If you voice those chords with the RIGHT accidentals, the RESULTING sounds are quite SWEET. These out of scale tones can always be used as passing chords.

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Watch this video and see the amazing chord changes we can easily make by using this reference

Mastering the Suspension
Pitfalls of Traditional Music Education
The Chord Naming System
Handbook of Harmony